Chandra Shekhar Azad: A Biography
Chandra Shekhar Azad: A Biography
By Malwinderjit Singh Waraich
This life account of the legendry pristine revolutionary, who is commonly misunderstood in view of his moustache twirling photograph, which willy-nilly projects him as a merciless killer rather than an idealist revolutionary. The book unfolds the humane, farsighted, mature, sagacious dimension of his core personality, who on nine out of ten occasion called off the ‘actions’ on the last moment in view of the likely bloodshed and who, through out his revolutionary career had fired only one shot at head constable Channan Singh’s thigh that too when he persisted in his attempt to grab Bhagat Singh after Saunders’ murder on 17th December 1928. After that only occasion he fired was on 27th February 1931 in police encounter during which (contrary to common belief) he died of a police and not a self shot.
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